Hesitate to get political but, as the great column in today’s paper by sports editor Curtis Murayama says, “Enough is Enough.”
The Hawaii Events Coalition is asking for support from folks at Thursday’s “Enough is Enough Rally” (Name since changed from the original that said ‘Bedlam’)
Thursday, 10 a.m.-noon. Meet at State Capitol, Beretania Street side.
Register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4qB_iZKF-Fo9kEcZw-Ev9zcwQJb4zyxSN43glWDyMA2NXfA/viewform
Registration is requested for contact tracing purposes. All rally attendees will be encouraged to check-in with a Covid Compliance Officer (look for the safety vest labeled CCO), show proof of vaccination and get a wristband to participate safely. Be conscientious about self-distancing if or when necessary, and wearing a mask outdoors at your discretion.
Organizers encouraging everyone involved in Events, Meetings, Sport
Events, School Team Sports/Activities, Concerts, Festivals, Travel & Tourism, Entertainment, Weddings, Fundraisers, Trade Show Industry, Hawaii Events Coalition members and Suppliers to join them.
Some of the theme messaging are:
“Enough is Enough”
“Stop Moving the Goal Post”
“What are the Opening Metrics?”
Especially since the government says things are extended for another two months and isn’t following the national guidelines.
I encourage you to find a copy of the paper and read Murayama’s column. It sums up all the reasons Hawai’i should allow fans at sporting events.
The bottom line: As stands currently, this is a path to the disappearance of University of Hawai’i sports.
Some good reads at
Great idea with so many valid points! Can’t be there by will be there in spirit!! Go UH!